It was our pleasure to invite you to the
First Nations Day of Honor. |
When we gathered in Gallup for our initial First Nations Day of Honor, the special phrase “From Heart to heart!” deeply impacted all of us, and has lingered in our memory as we move forward into this next phase of our initiative!
The First Nations Day of Honor will be a beginning to the fulfillment of the great vision of the USA as “One Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All”. A holy gathering of native Americans and representatives of immigrants from all the nations to the USA, it will take place during the Feast of Shavuot / Pentecost 2023. It will be a trigger for the greatest revival in human history, as envisioned by Billy Graham in 1975, when he spoke in Albuquerque. |
SCHEDULE ------------------ Friday - May 26, 2023 6:00 PM Doors open 7:00 PM Service begins ------------------ Saturday - May 27, 2023 8 AM Doors open with prayer until 9 AM 9 AM Service begins 12 Noon Lunch 1 PM Service begins 5:00 PM Dinner 6:00 Service begins --------------------- Sunday - May 28, 2023 9 AM Doors open with prayer until 10 AM 10 AM Service begins |
We eagerly anticipate becoming a vibrant hub for prophetic intercession, where we will host monthly meetings featuring inspiring guest speakers. We are excited to build a prophetic community in our region, with a plan to train and equip His people with their unique giftings. Together, we will work to establish the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.